Week 6: Spotlight on the Monday Virtual Ensemble

The goal for our Semester of Play is to re-discover some joy after a very tumultuous few years. We’re focused on re-connecting to each other and revisiting what makes A.B.L.E. special. Each ensemble is taking a different journey this semester, shaped by the interests and personalities of the group. This week, we’ll go in-depth with the Monday Virtual ensemble to show what they’ve been working on and what else they have planned for this spring!

From the Teaching Team: Emma and Lawrence

This semester the Monday Virtual ensemble has been on an adventure. Together, they have used their magic wands (anything they could find in their homes—from a spatula to a pen) to bring their stories to life. Using the dice sent to them in their adventure packs, ensemble members take turns rolling the die each week to determine different aspects of their warm up. In the early weeks of the semester Emma and Lawrence have brought to life a new world of characters for actors to choose from Barbarians, Wizards, Druids, and Bards.

The ensemble explored how these characters interact with one another and about some of the magical powers they possess. During Week 5 they worked on character creation and will use their acting skills to bring the characters to life in various role playing scenarios and see where adventure continues to take them!

Meet Lawrence!

Lawrence is the co-founder of ABLE and has been with the ensembles from the beginning. Together he and Emma have taken the Monday Virtual Ensemble on an adventure of character creation and exploration. Here is what he has to share about the semester:

"Our focus this semester was to create more choose-your-own-adventure role-playing games. We've focused on working with actors to create their own original characters that they can embody while acting out different scenarios. We've adapted some favorite games to focus on interacting with each other and giving lots of opportunities for actors to make choices. We also have an AMAZING facilitation team this semester who are working with our actors 1:1 to really make their characters all they can be. I know some people are over working on Zoom, but I really enjoy working virtually and seeing actors who might be a little more shy in person come out of their shells and working with folks like Fletcher who are in other states."

Meet Rachel!

Rachel is one of the founding members of ABLE and one of our new Creative Associates. Rachel is always down for an adventure! She has really enjoyed returning to Zoom for ABLE rehearsal and exploring character creation!


Rachel’s favorite thing about this semester is being back with ABLE. She has really enjoyed creating characters and all games surrounding character exploration. Her character, “Druid” (a bard), resembles a butterfly and loves to sing rock n’ roll. Don’t bring a Trumpet by Druid, it’s one of it’s weaknesses!


Rachel has no thorns this semester and has loved being on an adventure with her ensemble.


Rachel is proud of her ABLE team. She wanted to give a shout out to her Teaching Artists, the Facilitators, and her ensemble-mates. She would also like to point out that ABLE’s birthday is coming up May 4th! Happy birthday, ABLE!

Power Songs

We love a good dance party at ABLE and we also love creating our own stories. As part of their character development process, the Monday Virtual Ensemble made a special playlist of POWER SONGS - songs that can help them take on the world. Listen and get pumped up!

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