Week 7: Spotlight on the Monday In Person Ensemble

The goal for our Semester of Play is to re-discover some joy after a very tumultuous few years. We’re focused on re-connecting to each other and revisiting what makes A.B.L.E. special. Each ensemble is taking a different journey this semester, shaped by the interests and personalities of the group. This week, we’ll go in-depth with the Monday In Person ensemble to show what they’ve been working on and what else they have planned for this spring!

Teaching Artists Braden and Kiaran have structured this semester to leave space for self-reflection and community connection after a long time apart. Each week has been centered around a different theme like “Collaboration”, “Imagination”, “Perspective”, and “Tempo.” Actors have been playing games and using familiar scenes from beloved movies to explore their themes. Along the way, they’re building a self-portrait by adding their reflections and personal insights every week during check out.

From Teaching Artist Braden Cleary:

Being back in person for the first time in over two years has changed a lot about the way that our ensemble works together and creates together. Change is difficult and in every rehearsal we have to remind ourselves of how we communicate, support our friends, and work together. Even though change is difficult, it has given us the chance to scrap old ways of doing and come up with something new! We are playing games with greater eye contact (since that's all we can see!) and dropping in with very limited physical contact (harder than it looks). Our time together is pivotal - getting back to socializing in a world that looks and feels different, so we are taking the opportunity to journal to reinforce our learning and feelings throughout this time.

Shout Outs to the Monday Ensemble:

Kiaran and Braden would like to celebrate each of their amazing actors

  • Matt - asking important questions about why and how we are changing the format of our rehearsals, offering feedback on how it can be better

  • Maggie - sharing the ensemble with ensemble members that she met in person, and making new friends when it's hard

  • Anna - showing us a new sense of confidence and extremely creative ideas

  • Ryan - practicing self-advocacy and reaching out to new friends.

  • Claire - saying "yes!" to new instructions, and games; being flexible and willing to try new things

  • Christian - bringing high energy and laughs to rehearsal

  • Sophie - excelling at making choices and offering great support to Christian

  • Lucas - coming in with great energy and sharing with the group; helping to lead and clean up after rehearsal

  • Natalia - a veteran leader of the entire group; great support system to Lucas

  • Sandia - working together wonderfully with each member of the ensemble; always brings a smile and kindness to rehearsal

And of course an extra big shout out to all of our Monday facilitators: Camila, Chloe, Jenna, Mary, Polly, Shaina, and Shannon for their great energy, flexibility, and good humor!

Dance Party

We start every rehearsal with a dance party. It’s a great way to shake off the day, socialize with our friends, and get our bodies moving. Bust a move to this playlist of favorites suggested by the Monday Ensemble

Help us do all we are A.B.L.E. to do. Make a tax-deductible donation to support our semester of play