Friday Class Rehearsal Log: Week 6!

It was a great week to celebrate in Chicago, so class began with a "Go Cubs, Go" dance party. Spirits were high as we moved into warmups. Susan led us in a number of physical warmups, including inflating and deflating like a balloon. Finishing off our balloon warmup we did a tongue twister saying "The Big Blue Beautiful Balloon Burst!"


Kendra then led us through an extended check-in. We got out 3 posters and labeled them "In the past I used to..." "In the present I..." and "In the future I will..." and had everyone answer each question, writing down the answers. Mila was focused on shopping, saying in the past she shopped with her Mom, in the present she shops with friends, and in the future she will shop by herself. We talked about crawling and crying as babies in the past, and looked forward at relationships and families in the future. After everyone had answered, we took turns choosing one of the answers and after them out, seeing if the rest of the class could guess if we are in the past, present, or future. As we start scene work next week, we really wanted to wrap our minds around the time periods that Scrooge will be moving through. It was a lot of fun to spend a lot of time on one exercise, and we're excited to revisit it with Scrooge next week.

We then continued our practicing of Carol of the Bells. We are continuing to add layers to the song of large and small bells.

Alena did some excellent physical work as Scrooge's tombstone as we practiced the final scene!

Alena did some excellent physical work as Scrooge's tombstone as we practiced the final scene!

Finally we prepared for auditions next week. Lindsay showed us how to audition and had everyone practice a character before next week. We loved seeing Sam P's Scrooge and can't wait to see who else he auditions for.